miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

My biggest fear...

My biggest fear...

I'm seating at the edge of my bed, my head facing down between my hands just waiting the new "GESTAPPO" to nock at my door and force me to wear a pink triangle before I make a "walk to remember" to the cremation chambers where I will be force among thousands more to the ending of our lifes.
       I'm feeling sorry for all of us, I think I failed, I think I didn't fought hard enough to gain freedom for me and all of you,  we all know since we were born,  our lives will be treated like if we were inferior than the rest because our lives are worthless to their minds.
Racism, Misogyny,Homophobia, Bigotry, Transphobia,Xenophobia and the rest of the cancers contaminating the so called society SEEMS TO BE STRONGER THAN ALL OF US, seems to have the acceptance we will never obtain.
The world of "some freedom" it is falling apart, we need to defend it, we need to fight for it.
Let's together not to wait for a new GESTAPPO to be build, let's finish it before it complete the circle and we all pay the consequences of the brainless people actions.
The shit just hit the fan.

Ishalaa 11/23


lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016



I did read this play, over and over again, I feel comfortable to say that I found the underline it has, "Eurydice" a theater play written by Sarah Ruhl

Here it's what I think I found:
Endless love, Murder, After life Cliché, Suicide, Obsession, Sexual Harrasment, Manipulation, Music.

A music genius that never show he's talent but is in love with Eurydice, apparently a extremely beautiful woman that make every men of the play have  intense feelings about her.

A mysterious man, I totally bet he killed Eurydeci, he let us see in he's lines an obsession for her, I believe he can't tolerate the wedding with Orphean and that's why he make Euridecy with tricks of course to go to he's place.

Eurydice, found herself using an elevator, we do not know if the elavator is lifting or going down, I presumably assume it went up, because based on the rule of every religious  believes the "Purgatory" or the "light at the end of the tunnel" is a place between Hell and heaven, can't be earth, that's what she is leaving behind.

She lost her memories under a rainy elevator, then she find herself talking with stones, I do not know if those were really rocks or some guys getting themselves very "Stone" or lost their mind for  being in that place for so long.

Her Father appears and make an scene comparing himself with a tree, an awesome way to  describe a protective father, he made a strings house to make her feel comfortable.

A boy came  to scene, a boy that proposed her to became his woman,I imagined that boy as an androgynous person, an extremely beautiful one that confuse you throughout he/she gender that make believe is a monster, an underworld creature.

In Eurydice "scale of love" what she feels in her heart for her father is  heavier than the feelings she had for her husband, she returned to her father unfortunately was useless, her father choose a second death, she wrote down a very painful and sweet letter for her husband future wife then she committed suicide, Orpheon
Killed himself, making these a total fail  when he found Euridecy dead again.

The play ends with the three of them laying down by the river, a river you can go after following a very weird  directions instructions Eurydice's father provided.

I like it, unfortunately I'm not in love with this play, but I admitted it has some potential.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

Night - Noche


Night -Noche

Mis húmedos párpados inferiores son muestra de lo impactante de este libro,
El "memoir" de un joven judío que vivió las atrocidades del Holocausto, ha sido realmente un suplicio de principio a fin,de palabra a palabra,de punto a coma, peor aún el echo de tener que hacer un ensayo sobre el libro para la clase inglés, tomar frases para dar el punto de vista ha sido muy conmovedor, entrege mi "in-class essay" salí de clase y mientras me dirigía a tomar el tren a casa,una frase del libro no dejaba de darme vueltas en la cabeza, y las lágrimas cargadas de hormonas en batalla empezaron a rodar, sentía ríos caudalosos correr por mis regordetas mejillas, mi ánimo se convirtió en un niño de 500 libras que se me abrazo a las rodillas y no me dejaba subir escalón alguno y me hizo aferrarme a la pared como aguerrida telaraña,
Te sientes bien?? Pregunto una señora.
Si, gracias. Respondí... Me hubiese gustado  decirle que solo tenia un ataque de sensibilidad hormonal,agrandado por las historia de un joven que sufrió la industrialización del crimen y el asesinato a manos de la institución terrorista mas antigua en la historia llamada:
Supremacía Blanca.
Que me aterroriza el solo pensar que esto se puede volver a repetir y parece que será muy pronto. Debí gritarlo, Debí volverme más loca aún, es tanta mi frustración cuando veo la historia de las horribles cosas que nos hemos hecho unos a otros a lo largo del tiempo en el que aparentemente para desgracia del universo apareció la raza humana, hubiese nacido mejor como una piedra me lo he mencionado en momentos como este, sin embargo recapacito cuando me doy cuenta que alguien pudo utilizarme siendo yo esa imaginaria piedra para asesinar a alguien.
A donde va el mundo?, a donde emigrar cual golondrina sabedora de lo que se avecina con las tempestades del invierno?
Por que es un hecho que benos avecina el peor invierno que jamás hemos enfrentado y lo peor del caso es que no me refiero al clima. 
Les invitaría a orar en estos momentos tan horribles, pero precisamente ese es el cáncer del mundo, las creencias religiosas TODAS sin excepción de alguna, creadoras de todas absolutamente todas las divisiones y todos los prejuicios que tenemos unos contra otros.

Ishalaa 11/14/2016